The more I travel, the more I love Dubai: New campaign celebrates social media stars who call the city home

Dubai is home, away from home, for thousands of expatriates who have travelled to the emirate to see their dreams come true. People fall in love with the city at first sight.

Be it businessmen, social media influencers or celebrities, many expatriates have made it big and made Dubai their home; connecting emotional with the city of opportunities.

“Many people who have come to Dubai, don’t want to go back to any other country and the same thing happened to me. The more I travel the world, the more I love Dubai. Wherever I go, I want to come back to Dubai. Thanks to UAE leaders for the opportunities that they have given us,” says Rizwan Sajan, founder and chairman of Danube Group.

Sajan was speaking at the launch of the “My Dubai, My Home” campaign, which was launched by Danube Properties in partnership with Khaleej Times, to recognise top social media influencers, celebrities and YouTubers who have made Dubai their home.

Top social media influencers and YouTubers from a variety of fields such as Mo Vlogs, Jumana Khan, Nina Ubhi, Ahmed Mokbel, Sadiq Ahmed, Ritu and Rinky, Kelvin Cheung, Ahmad Haffar, Vlada and Virdah Khan attended the event.

A study conducted by the UK-based firm Online Mortgage Advisor ranked Dubai among the world’s top 25 most beautiful cities.

Sharing his personal experience and his love for Dubai, Sajan said when he landed at the Dubai International Airport 29 years ago, he felt at home.

“After Iraq invaded Kuwait, I moved to Dubai. When I landed 29 years ago and the security personnel checked my passport, he spoke to me in Hindi/Urdu and asked me ‘kaisa hay’ (how are you). I fell in love with Dubai because I felt at home. I am away from India but don’t feel like I am away from my home country,” says Danube Group founder.

“From the day I landed till today, I am happy that I have made Dubai my home. I would never leave this country,” says Sajan.

He said the emirate offers stability, security, business-friendly environment; hence it is easier to settle down here not just for Asian but European nationals as well. “Plus, there are no taxes here. And all these aspects make people feel comfortable.”

Social media influencers and YouTubers also credit Dubai’s safety, security, growth opportunities and other aspects as a major attraction to make the emirate their home.

No place like Dubai

Jumana Khan: “Being in Dubai is just like in little India. The place, the food makes me feel like I am at home. I love Dubai Airport as well.”

Kelvin Cheung: “Dubai is one of the most blessed places that have been created. Leaders have made this country for people to thrive and live in peace, and harmony. It’s one of the most dynamic cities.”

Sadiq Ahmed: “I love Dubai because I feel secure. This is a peaceful place to live we get good opportunities to grow.”

Riki and Ritu: “ Since we came here, we are in love with Dubai. It feels like just we are back home in India. You can relate to your culture here. We get a very homely and warm feeling here.”

Virdah Khan: “Dubai is a place of opportunities and safety. I love taking my son around Dubai and it feels so safe here.”

Mo Vlog: “Dubai is my home and I love this city. The most beautiful thing is that the leadership has made this city a beautiful mix of cultures.”

Ahmed Haffar: “I came to Dubai from Lebanon with nothing but I achieved what I wanted. Dubai is my home now. Thank you, Dubai.”

Danube Properties appoints Naresco as the main contractor for the delivery of Skyz Tower at a value of 475 million dirhams

أعلنت شركة دانوب العقارية ، الشركة الرائدة في مجال الإسكان بأسعار ميسورة التكلفة ومقرها الإمارات العربية المتحدة وأحد مطوري العقارات الخاصة الأكثر ديناميكية وشعبية اليوم، عن تعيين شركة نارسكو كمقاول رئيسي لبناء برج سكيز وهو برج عال على طراز البحر الأبيض المتوسطي –ويضم البرج السكني شقق مصممة بأناقة ومنافذ بيع بالتجزئة ومرافق ترفيهية، بقيمة تطوير تتجاوز 475 مليون درهم.

سيتم تطوير برج سكيز على قطعة أرض تبلغ مساحتها 67837.39 قدمًا مربعة في أرجان ، بالقرب من ميراكل جاردن مع سهولة الوصول إلى شارع الشيخ محمد بن زايد. يطل البرج على ميراكل جاردن والمرابع العربية ومجمعات موتور سيتي. ويقدم الشقق السكنية ذات الأسعار الميسورة التكلفة مع خطة الدفع بنسبة 1 في المائة من دانوب العقارية والتي تساعد المستأجرين ذوي الدخل المتوسط والراغبين في التملك على الحصول بسهولة على منازل أحلامهم.

تشتمل محفظة التطوير الحالية لدانوب العقارية على 8272 وحدة سكنية ، بقيمة تطوير مجتمعة تتجاوز 5.65 مليار درهم. وقد سلمت حتى الآن 4556 وحدة بقيمة مبيعات مجمعة تبلغ 3.63 مليار درهم – ما يقرب من ثلثي قيمة المحفظة بالكامل.

المقاول الرئيسي هو المسؤول عن إنشاء مشروع معين ، وفقًا للجدول الزمني والمواصفات الخاصة بالمطور أو مالك المشروع. المقاول الرئيسي ملزم قانونًا بتسليم المشروع بالكامل في الوقت المحدد ووفقًا للجودة. عادة ما يقوم المقاولون الرئيسيون بتوظيف مقاولين من الباطن وموردين لمساعدتهم في إكمال المشروع. وفقًا للعقد ، ستقوم نارسكو للمقاولات ببناء وتسليم مشروع برج سكيز حتى نهاية الربع الثالث من عام 2024

رضوان ساجان ، مؤسس ورئيس مجلس إدارة مجموعة الدانوب، قائلاً: كما تحدث
“بصفتنا كمطور يركز على خدمة العملاء والالتزام بموعد التسليم، نعلن اليوم عن تعيين المقاول الرئيسي لبرج سكيز الذي يعزز التزامنا بتسليم المنازل لعملائنا في الوقت المحدد وبجودة مناسبة”
“تعتمد مصداقية المطور العقاري على تسليم المشروع في الوقت المناسب ووفقًا للجودة. نحن ندرك جيدًا التزامنا تجاه عملائنا – أكبر المساهمين لدينا. منذ دخولنا مجال العقارات ، قمنا بتسليم المشاريع في الوقت المحدد وبجودة عالية”

“لقد قامت نارسكو للمقاولات في السابق ببناء مشاريعنا وتسليمها في الوقت المحدد. وهذه المرة أيضًا ، وضعنا ثقتنا بهم لتسليم المشروع في الوقت المحدد – على النحو الذي يرضينا”

قامت شركة نارسكو للمقاولات ، وهي شركة إنشاءات مقرها دبي ولديها 36 عامًا من الإرث في صناعة البناء ، بتسليم 129 مشروعًا بينما يوجد 20 مشروعًا آخر في مراحل مختلفة من البناء. لديها حاليًا أكثر من 4500 موظف على كشوف المرتبات ومجموعة كبيرة من الشركات تشارك بنشاط في أعمال البناء الخاصة بهم. وقد نجحت في تسليم عدد من المشاريع لصالح دانوب العقارية ، بما في ذلك جليتز 1 و 2 و3 وميراكل

كما قال عبد الله عبد الكريم العارف ، رئيس مجلس إدارة شركة نارسكو للمقاولات: “نحن سعداء للغاية بالعمل مع دانوب العقارية لبناء برج سكيز ، بعد أن نجحنا في تسليم عدد من المشاريع السكنية لهم. إنه وسام فخر آخر نتوشح به”.

“يعكس منح هذا العقد ثقة عملائنا المتجددة في عملنا. نحن معروفون كمقاول راعٍ للجودة ويتمتع بسمعة طيبة في تسليم المشاريع في الوقت المحدد وتحقيق رضا العميل”

يوفر برج سكيز وسائل الراحة شاملة من محال البيع بالتجزئة، وغرف ألعاب، ومنطقة لعب للأطفال، ونادي صحي على أحدث طراز، وصالة ألعاب رياضية في الهواء الطلق، ومسبح انفينتي ذو الإطلالة المترامية الأطراف، ومسبح ليلي مع أسرّة مائية ، ومسبح للأطفال ، وجاكوزي خارجي ، ومنصة مشاهدة ، وتنس البادل المزدوج ،وشرفة مراقبة ، ومنطقة جلوس خارجية ،و مسطحات مائية ، ومنطقة شواء ،و صالة جاكوزي ،و قاعة حفلات مع غرفة بلياردو ، مركز أعمال وفوق كل شيء مسار سماوي للمشي السريع

. المفهوم الكامن وراء برج سكيز هو إنشاء وجهة سكنية جديدة تحتفل بنمط حياة منطقة البحر المتوسط من خلال زيادة المساحة الخارجية الصالحة للاستخدام من خلال الشرفات والتراسات والحدائق والمتنزهات والساحات العامة. تم تصميم البرج للسماح بأقصى قدر من المناظر والإضاءة في المخطط وإنشاء سلسلة من “الحدائق الخارجية” الموزعة حول المبنى المرتبط بطريق غير رسمي مع مسبح خارجي ومنطقة ترفيهية على مستويات مختلفة.

يعد المسار السماوي للمشي السريع هو الأول من نوعه في المنطقة ، وهو عبارة عن مسار مرتفع لممارسي رياضة المشي السريع من قاطني برج سكيز والذي سيساعد السكان على الحفاظ على نمط حياة صحي – بالإضافة إلى النادي الصحي وصالة الألعاب الرياضية وحوض السباحة. وهذا يعكس تركيز دانوب العقارية على تقديم أفضل أسلوب حياة لأصحاب المنازل ، حتى يتمكنوا من الحفاظ على نمط حياة صحية.

Danube Properties awards main contract for Dh475m Skyz Tower

Danube Properties has appointed Naresco Contracting as the main contractor for the construction of Skyz Tower, a Mediterranean-themed high-rise residential tower with a development value exceeding Dh475 million.

Skyz will be developed at a 67,837.39 square feet plot of land at Arjan, close to the Miracle Garden with easy access to Mohammed Bin Zayed Highway.

The tower overlooks Miracle Garden, Arabian Ranches and Motor city communities. The affordable homes come with Danube Properties’ 1 per cent payment plan that helps middle-income tenants and end-users to easily acquire their dream homes.

The Dubai-based developer’s current development portfolio involves 8,272 residential units, with a combined development value exceeding Dh5.65 billion. It has so far delivered 4,556 units with a combined sales value of Dh3.63 billion – nearly two-thirds of the entire portfolio value.

The main contractor is responsible to construct an assigned project, as per the developer’s or project owner’s timeline and specifications.

As per the contract, Naresco Contracting will construct and deliver Skyz Project by the end of the third quarter of 2024.

“As a customer-centric and delivery-focused developer, today we are announcing the appointment of the main contractor for Sky tower that reinforces our commitment to deliver homes to our customers on time and with the right quality,” said Rizwan Sajan, founder and chairman of Danube Group.

“A property developer’s credibility depends on timely delivery of the project and as per quality. We are very conscious of our commitment to our customers – our biggest stakeholders. Since entering the real estate business, we have been delivering projects on time and with quality. Naresco Contracting has previously constructed our projects and delivered them on time. This time also, we have put our trust on them to deliver the project on time – to our satisfaction,” he said.

Naresco Contracting LLC has delivered 129 projects while 20 more are at various stages of construction.

Danube Properties appoints Naresco contracting LLC as main contractor to deliver the DH 475mln Skyz tower

Danube Properties, the UAE-based affordable housing pioneer and one of the most dynamic and popular private real estate developers in the UAE, today announces the appointment of Naresco Contracting LLC as the main contractor for the construction of Skyz Tower, a Mediterranean-themed high-rise residential tower with elegantly-designed apartments, retail outlets and recreational facilities with a development value exceeding Dh475 million.

Skyz will be developed at an 67,837.39 square feet plot of land at Arjan, close to the Miracle Garden with easy access to Mohammed Bin Zayed Highway. The tower overlooks Miracle Garden, Arabian Ranches and Motor city communities. The affordable homes come with Danube Properties’ trend-setting 1 percent payment plan that helps middle income tenants and end-users to easily acquire their dream homes.

Danube Properties current development portfolio involves 8,272 residential units, with a combined development value exceeding Dh5.65 billion. It has so far delivered 4,556 units with a combined sales value of Dh3.63 billion-nearly two-thirds of the entire portfolio value.

Main contractor is responsible to construct an assigned project, as per the developer’s or project owner’s timeline and specifications. Main contractor is legally bound to deliver complete project on time and as per quality. Main contractors usually hire sub-contractors and suppliers to help them in completing the project. As per the contract, Naresco Contracting will construct and deliver Skyz Projecttill the end of Q3 2024.

As a customer-centric and delivery-focussed developer, today we are announcing the appointment of the main contractor for Sky tower that reinforces our commitment to deliver homes to our customers on time and with the right quality,” Rizwan Sajan, Founder and Chairman of Danube Group, said.

A property developer’s credibility depends on timely delivery of the project and as per quality. We are very conscious of our commitment to our customers-our biggest stakeholders. Since entering the real estate business, we have been delivering projects on time and on quality.”

Naresco Contracting has previously constructed our projects and delivered on time. This time also, we have put our trust on them to deliver the project on time-to our satisfaction.”

Naresco Contracting LLC, a Dubai-based construction company with 36 years of legacy in the construction industry, has delivered 129 projects while 20 more are at various stages of construction. It currently has more than 4,500 employees on payroll and vast group of companies actively involved in their construction business. It had successfully delivered a number of projects for Danube Properties, including Glit 1, 2 and 3 and Miraclz.

Abdulla Abdulkarim AlArif, Chairman of Naresco Contracting, says, “We are very pleased to be working with Danube Properties for the construction of the Skyz Tower, after successfully delivering a number of residential projects to them. It’s a new feather in our cap.

The award of this contract reflects our client’s renewed trust in our work. We are known as a quality-conscious contractor with a reputation of on-time delivery of projects and achieving Client’s satisfaction.”

Skyz Tower provides holistic amenities from retail arcade, games room, kids play area, state-of-the-art health club, outdoor gymnasium, infinity pool, lilly pool with water beds, kids pool, outdoor jacuzzi, viewing deck, paddle tennis, gazebo, outdoor seating area, water bodies, BBQ area, jacuzzi lounge, party hall with billiards room, business centre and above all Sky Jogging Track.

The concept behind Skyz Tower is to create a new residential destination that celebrates Mediterranean living by maximising usable outdoor space through balconies, terraces, gardens, parks, and plazas. The tower is designed to allow maximum views and light into the scheme and creates a series of ‘external gardens’ distributed around the building linked by an informal route with an outdoor pool and recreation area at various levels.

Sky Jogging Track-a first in the region-is an elevated jogging track for occupants of Skyz Tower, that will help the residents to maintain a healthy lifestyle-in addition to the health club, gymnasium and swimming pool. This reflects Danube Properties’ focus on offering the best lifestyle to the home-owners, so that they can maintain a healthy life.